• Kestrel Do-It-Yourself Shutters

  • 9 E Race St, Stowe, PA 19464
  • 800.494.4321 / 610.326.6679
  • sales@diyshutters.com
  • live chat

What is a Do-It-Yourself Shutter?

We supply you with all the parts of the shutters (louvers, panels, frames...) sized exactly to fit your windows.

You hand asseble the pieces we supply to make your very own custom sized interior shutters and exterior shutters. Kestrel DIY Shutters™ are the exact same thing as our fully assembled shutters except you do the hand assembly instead of us.

Why do we offer DIY Shutters™

In the early 90's we came up with the idea of offering shutters in a true knockdown, do it yourself version.

The thought was that people fixing up older homes could buy their own shutters in kit form and hand assemble everything themselves. They would not only save money but have the satisfaction of building historically accurate, furniture quality interior shutters, exterior shutters and doors

Supplying Shutters to The Trade

We also supply window treatment, millwork and cabinet shops with an opportunity to offer their own customers the highest quality shutters on the market.

Many resellers buy our DIY Shutters or shutter parts, assemble them in their own shops and then add finishing and installations to provide a comlete shutter service.

Different from all the rest

We were the first to offer shutters in a true DIY kit form.

Because we have full confidence in our shutters we know that anyone, without any special wood working skills, can hand assemble our shutters. Many other companies have since tried to offer their own scaled down version of real do it yourself shutters. Where we supply a real DIY kit they try and pass off fully assembled, unfinsihed shutters as DIY.