Kestrel Shutters & Doors

Closet Doors
Interior Doors
Exterior Shutters
Interior Shutters

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  1. Features of Pocket Doors
  2. FAQ for Pocket Doors
  3. Hardware for Pocket Doors

Custom Sized  -  Pocket Doors

quote form for custom sized panel doors          custom sized pocket doorsCustom Sized !

All Kestrel Interior Doors can be used as pocket doors.

Whether your custom sized interior doors will be (louvered, panel, mirrored, tongue & groove, fabric or custom door designs ) simply add our pocket door hardware to get the look you want.
louvered doorsinterior panel doorsmirrored closet doorsfabric doorslouvered doors

The Benefits of Pocket Doors

Pocket doors offer the cleanest solution when it comes to accessing your closets or separating rooms. Pocket doors slide back in to the wall completely out of site. This means you do not have to deal with doors sticking out in to the room like you have with bifold doors and hinged interior doors. Where sliding doors block a portion of whatever room is on the other side, pocket doors will give you full access.

Why Kestrel Pocket Doors?

Kestrel pocket doors are all custom sized. Hand built from solid, premium hardwoods like Basswood, Spanish Cedar and Mahogany we use traditional pegged, mortise and tenon joinery . We also offer the most diverse line of pocket doors with styles such as louvered doors, mirrors or glass, raised, flat and recessed panels, tongue and groove, fabric, beadboard, board and batten as well as custom interior door designs.


FAQ for Pocket Doors

  • What are pocket doors?
  • Pocket doors are interior doors that slide on tracks back inside of a wall.
  • What styles of doors can be used with pocket door hardware?
  • All styles of kestrels door can be mounted as pocket doors as long as they are flat on top and not arched.
  • How thick does a wall need to be to hold pocket doors?
  • Typically a wall constructed with 2x4's will hold a single pocket door. If you plan to stack multiple pocket doors, one behind the other, the thickness of the wall will depend on the thickness of the doors you use and the pocket door hardware used.
  • Can an existing opening of doors be retro-fitted in to pocket doors?
  • Yes although it may not be the most practical thing to do. Since the hardware for pocket doors continues back in to the wall you will need to remove a portion of the wall in order to install the new hardware.
  • What is the largest door I can have with pocket door hardware?
  • The pocket door hardware we offer can handle individual doors all the way up 60" wide by 108" tall x 3" thick.
  • How many individual doors can I have in a pocket door opening?
  • Normally you will see 1 or 2 doors set up as pocket doors within an opening. However, since each door is on its own track you can stack as many pocket doors as you like, one behind the other. The only limitation is the thickness of the wall.
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Hardware for Pocket Doors

The hardware we offer for our pocket doors is all made by Johnson Hardware, a 60 year old company known for it's quality. We offer hardware for pockets doors two different ways. We offer pocket door hardware with steel wrapped frames for new construction as well as just the track and guides for existing pockets.

Pocket Door Hardware for New Construction

      2x4 walls or thicker

Series 2511PD Medium duty for pocket doors no larger than 36" x 80" and up to 80 lbs. Include steel wrapped frame supports.
installation instructions for 2511PD

Series 1500PD Heavy duty for bifold doors no larger than 60" x 108" and up to 125 lbs. Include steel wrapped frame supports.
installation instructions for 1500PD

Series 2000PD Heavy duty for bifold doors no larger than 60" x 108" and up to 300 lbs. Include steel wrapped frame supports.
installation instructions for 2000PD

      2x6 walls or thicker

Series 1560PD Medium duty for pocket doors no larger than 60" x 108" and up to 200 lbs. Include steel wrapped frame supports.
installation instructions for 1560PD

Series 2060PD Heavy duty for bifold doors no larger than 60" x 108" and up to 300 lbs. Include steel wrapped frame supports.
installation instructions for 2060PD

Pocket Door Hardware for Existing Pockets

Series 111PD Medium duty for pocket doors no larger than 48" x 108" and up to 150 lbs.
installation instructions for 111PD

Series 100PD Heavy duty for bifold doors no larger than 48" x 108" and up to 200 lbs.
installation instructions for 100PD

Series 200PD Heavy duty for bifold doors no larger than 48" x 108" and up to 300 lbs.
installation instructions for 200PD
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